Pony Clubs organise different competitions throughout the year. These provide a change from Rally Day routines, and give riders an opportunity to compete against each other. They are conducted at Club, Zone and State levels, and include Dressage , Showjumping, One Day Events, Gymkhanas, Sporting, and Mounted Games.
The events usually fall into one of the following categories:
CLOSED - Only members of that club may compete against each other
INVITATION - Only members of the host club and clubs specifically invited may compete
OPEN - Members of any pony club may compete
ZONE - Any member of a club that belongs to that zone may compete
AREA - You represent your zone at these events and usually have to be selected
STATE - You compete against other riders from your state. You usually represent your zone and have to be selected to compete.
Arcadia Pony Club follows the Zone Rules for its Club events, this is to try and avoid confusion with different rules between Club and Zone level. Arcadia Pony Club Event Eligibility rules are as follows:
Riders must have attended 3 rally days in the preceding 12 months. Unmounted attendance will be considered but only if the member has been present for the majority of the day and assisted in some capacity or taken part in instruction. For new members this rule may be waived at the discretion of the Senior Instructor. Other criteria must still be fulfilled and evidence of outside performance may be asked for.
Riders must have attended at least one rally day on the horse entered and to have been appropriately graded and assessed as a suitable combination.
The horse must be owned or leased by the rider or another member of their pony club.
A new horse must be a genuine new mount for the rider or replacing an injured or ill horse temporarily. A vet certificate may be asked for as proof of illness or injury. Simply bringing along a horse because it will perform better at that particular event will not be allowed.
Associates and other long standing members of Pony Club who have always been regular attendees may apply to the Senior Instructor for an exemption in writing if work or other circumstances have made it difficult to meet all criteria.
All applications for exemptions must be in writing to the Senior Instructor.